Yaoteng Tan

I am a second-year PhD student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC, Riverside, where I work on computational imaging and adversarial machine learning. I am fortunate to be advised by Professor M. Salman Asif.

I received my Bachelor's degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2022.

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2023: One paper accepted to the CVPR 2023, joint work with Zikui Cai and M. Salman Asif.

Ensemble-based Blackbox Attacks on Dense Prediction
Zikui Cai*, Yaoteng Tan*, M. Salman Asif (* Equal contribution)
CVPR, 2023
arXiv / open access / code / poster

We propose an approach for adversarial attacks on dense prediction models. Our proposed method can generate a single perturbation that can fool multiple blackbox detection and segmentation models simultaneously.


Conference review: WACV 2024

Teaching Assistant: EE240 Pattern Recognition, 2023 Spring

I thank the template from Jon Barron